Applying Mr. Cornwall's Southern Pecan Pigments | DIY Non-Toxic Wood Stain

Now in 9oz Jars - Sold by Volume
Mr. Cornwall's Creative Colours are 100% pure finely ground pigments created especially for the Artisan, Craftsman and Master. These pigments can be mixed with all of the Odie's finishes to create decorative finishes, man-made patinas, and color-matched protective finishes for furniture and floors. Blend the colors together to create custom colors.
Learn more, here: Creative Colours Instructions
Southern Pecan TINTastic
Great color, easy to mix in, quality!
I've used a number of the Odie's pigments to create custom stains. They mix well in not only Odie's products but I've used with other oil finishes and epoxy. Great concentrated colors.
I used just a pinch of Southern Pecan in original Odie’s Oil and the color is absolutely amazing! The richness of it, as well as being able to control how much color depth I want, is a total game changer! I can’t wait to experiment with other colors!
- Results will vary.:
- Please see product info page for instructions.